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Lab for Atmospheric Dynamics

International Journal

번호 제목
94 Chun, H. Y., Song, B. G., Shin, S. W., & Kim, Y. H. (2019). Gravity Waves Associated with Jet/Front Systems. Part I: Diagnostics and their Correlations with GWs Revealed in High-Resolution Global Analysis Data. file
93 Ko, Han-Chang, Hye-Yeong Chun, Richard Wilson, and Marvin A. Geller, 2019: Characteristics of atmospheric turbulence retrieved from high vertical‐resolution radiosonde data in the United States. J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 124, 7553-7579. file
92 Lee, Jin-Haeng, Min-Jee Kang, and Hye-Yeong Chun, 2019: Differences in the tropical convective activities at the opposite phases of the quasi-biennial oscillation. Asia-Pac. J. Atmos. Sci., 55, 317-336. file
91 Kim, S.-H, H.-Y. Chun, R. D. Sharman, S. B. Trier, 2019: Development of near-cloud turbulence diagnostics based on a convective gravity-wave drag parameterization. J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol., 58, 1725-1750 file
90 Seo, J. M., J.-J. Baik, and H.-Y. Chun, 2018: Theoretical investigation of nonhydrostatic effects on convectively forced flows: Propagation and evanescent gravity-wave modes. Physic of Fluids, 30, 126604. file
89 Yoo et al., 2018: Inertia-Gravity Waves Revealed in Radiosonde Data at Jang Bogo Station, Antarctica (74°37'S, 164°13'E). Part I: Characteristics, Energy, and Momentum Flux. J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 123(23), 1-27. file
88 Kang, M.-J., H.-Y. Chun, Y.-H. Kim, P. Preusse, and M. Ern, 2018: Momentum flux of convective gravity waves derived from an offline gravity wave parameterization Part ΙΙ: Impacts on the quasi-biennial oscillation. J. Atmos. Sci., 75, 3753-3775. file
87 Kalisch, S., M.-J. Kang, and H.-Y. Chun, 2018: Impact of Convective Gravity Waves on the Tropical Middle Atmosphere During the Madden-Julian Oscillation. J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., doi: 10.1029/2017JD028221. file
86 Song, I.‐ S., H.‐Y. Chun, G. Jee, S.‐Y. Kim, J. Kim, Y.‐H. Kim, and M.A Taylor, 2018, Dynamic initialization for whole‐atmospheric global modeling, J. Adv. Model. Earth Syst., https://doi.org/10.1029/2017MS001213. file
85 Choi, H.-J., J.-Y. Han, M.-S. Koo, H.-Y. Chun, Y.-H. Kim, and S.-Y. Hong, 2018: Effects of Non-orographic Gravity Wave Drag on Seasonal and Medium-range Predictions in a Global Forecast Model, Asia-Pac. J. Atmos. Sci., 54(s), 385-402. file
84 Lee, D.-B., and H.-Y. Chun, 2018: A numerical study of aviation turbulence encountered on 13 February 2013 over the Yellow Sea between China and the Korean Peninsula. J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol., 57, 1043-1060. file
83 Butchart, N., and Coauthors, 2018: Overview of experiment design and comparison of models participating in phase 1 of the SPARC Quasi-Biennial Oscillation initiative (QBOi). Geosci. Model Dev., 11, 1009-1032, https://doi.org/10.5194/gmd-11-1009-2018. file
» Kumar, V., and Coauthors, 2017: Impact of inter-seasonal solar variability on the association of lower troposphere and cold point tropopause in the tropics: Observations using RO data from COSMIC. Atmospheric Research, 198, 216-225. file
81 Kang, M.-J., H.-Y. Chun, and Y.-H. Kim, 2017 Momentum flux of convective gravity waves derived from an off-line gravity wave parameterization. Part Ι Spatiotemporal variations at source level. J. Atmos. Sci. doi10.1175JAS-D-17-0053.1. file
80 Kim, S.-H., H.-Y. Chun, and P. W. Chan, 2017: Comparison of turbulence indicators obtained from in situ flight data. J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol., 56(6), 1609-1623 file
79 Song, I.-S., C. Lee, J.-H. Kim, G. Jee, Y.-H. Kim, H.-J. Choi, H.-Y. Chun, and Y. H. Kim, 2017. Meteor radar observations of vertically propagating low-frequency inertia-gravity waves near the southern polar mesopause region, JGR file
78 [Meeting summary] Chun, H.-Y., J.-H. Kim, D.-B. Lee, S.-H. Kim, M. Strahan, B. Pettegrew, P. Gill, P. D. Williams, U. Schumann, J. Tenenbaum, Y.-G. Lee, H.-W. Choi, I.-S. Song, Y.-J. Park, and R. D. Sharman, 2017: Research collaborations for... file
77 Kalisch, S., H.-Y. Chun, M. Ern, P. Preusse, Q. T. Trinh, S. D. Eckermann, and M. Riese, 2016: Comparison of simulated and observed convective gravity waves. J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 121, 13474-13492 file
76 Kim, S.-H. and H.-Y. Chun, 2016: Aviation turbulence encounters detected from aircraft observations: spatiotemporal characteristics and application to Korean Aviation Turbulence Guidance. Meteorol. Appl., 23, 594-604 file
75 Trinh, Q.-T., S. Kalish, P. Preusse, M. Ern, H.-Y. Chun, S. D. Eckermann, M.-J. Kang, and M. Riese, 2016: Tuning of a convective gravity wave source scheme based on HIRDLS observations. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 16, 7335-7356 file