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Lab for Atmospheric Dynamics

제목 번호 Speaker 조회 수
[2013. 07. 12] Emanuel et al. 2013, J. Climate file 315 Wook Jang  4828
[2013. 06. 07] Wu et al. 2003, Mon. Wea. Rev. file 314 Wook Jang  3030
[2013. 07. 30] Donald W. McCann, 2001, Natl. Wea. Dig. file 313 Dan-Bi Lee  470
[2013. 06. 15] Gill and Alison J, Stirlig, 2012, Meteo. Appl. file 312 Soo-Hyun Kim  409
[2013. 08. 09] Wu and Zhang, 2004, J. Geophys. Res. file 311 Seok-Woo Shin  402
[2013. 09. 13] Jaeger and Sprenger, 2007, J. Geophys. Res. file 310 Dan-Bi Lee  396
[2013. 07. 19] Chun et al., 2001, J. Atmos. Sci. file 309 Soo-Hyun Kim  393
[2013. 08. 02] Yang and Hoskins, 2013, J. Atmos. Sci. file 308 Young-Ha Kim  393
[2013. 05. 24] Kawatani et al., 2010, J. Atmos. Sci. file 307 Young-Ha Kim  388
[2013. 06. 28] Sharman et al., 2012, J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol. file 306 Dan-Bi Lee  344
[2013. 08. 23] Chun et al., 2004, J. Climate file 305 Soo-Hyun Kim  326
[2013. 08. 16] Yang et al. 2008, Mon. Wea. Rev. file 304 Wook Jang  323
[2013. 06. 21] Kawatani and Hamilton, 2013, Nature file 303 Young-Ha Kim  321
[2013. 05. 10] Williams, 2013, Mach. Learn file 302 Dan-Bi Lee  316
[2013. 05. 31] Wang and Zhang, 2007, Mon. Wea. Rev. file 301 Seok-Woo Shin  315
[2013. 07. 04] Plougonven and Snyder, 2007, J. Atmos. Sci. file 300 Seok-Woo Shin  315
[2013. 09. 26] Lott and Guez, 2013, J. Geophys. Res. (in press) file 299 Young-Ha Kim  302
[2013. 10. 04] Spiga et al., 2008, Ann. Geophys. file 298 Seok-Woo Shin  224
[2013. 10. 11] Ritchie and Frank 2007, Mon. Wea. Rev. file 297 Wook Jang  112
[2014. 02. 14] Lane et al., 2009, MWR file 296 Dan-Bi Lee  16