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Lab for Atmospheric Dynamics

제목 번호 Speaker 조회 수
[2013. 09. 26] Lott and Guez, 2013, J. Geophys. Res. (in press) file 469 Young-Ha Kim  302
[2013. 05. 24] Kawatani et al., 2010, J. Atmos. Sci. file 468 Young-Ha Kim  388
[2013. 06. 21] Kawatani and Hamilton, 2013, Nature file 467 Young-Ha Kim  321
[2013. 11. 08] Krismer et al., 2013, J. Adv. Model. Earth Syst. file 466 Young-Ha Kim  8
[2013. 08. 02] Yang and Hoskins, 2013, J. Atmos. Sci. file 465 Young-Ha Kim  393
[2013. 12. 13] Taguchi and Shibata, 2013, J. Meteorol. Soc. Jpn. file 464 Young-Ha Kim  7
[2014. 01. 17] QBO dynamics and EA monsoon circulation in HadGEM2-AO file 463 Young-Ha Kim  20
[2014. 02. 07] Lott et al., 2014, J. Geophys. Res. file 462 Young-Ha Kim  5
[2014. 03. 14] QBO dynamics in HadGEM2-A: Modification of methods file 461 Young-Ha Kim  8
[2014.04.11] Richter et al., 2014, J. Geophys. Res. file 460 Young-Ha Kim  5
[2014. 05. 23] QBO dynamics in HadGEM2-A: ERA-Interim results file 459 Young-Ha Kim  9
[2014.07.04] Inoue and Takahashi, 2013, J. Geophys. Res. file 458 Young-Ha Kim  3
[2014. 07. 25] Equatorial wave forcing in reanalyses file 457 Young-Ha Kim  9
[2014. 07. 25] Momentum forcing by equatorial waves to the QBO in recent reanalyses file 456 Young-Ha Kim  9
[2015.03.12] Results from the CATER Climate Project (2012–2014): QBO results file 455 Young-Ha Kim  2
[2015.05.15] Jet/Front Gravity Waves Simulated in the JW06’s Case file 454 Young-Ha Kim  3
[2015.07.17] Research presentation file 453 Young-Ha Kim  8
[2015.09.04] Research presentation file 452 Young-Ha Kim  5
[2015.12.21] Research presentation file 451 Young-Ha Kim  1
[2020.02.14] Research presentation file 450 Ye-Seul Lee  0